The Venlo greenhouse is the most-built type of greenhouse worldwide. It is made of glass, with a skeleton of galvanised steel and aluminium. For a number of years, The Bom Group has been developing new types of greenhouse, such as the closed, semi-closed and energy greenhouses. These greenhouses are suitable for a Dutch system called The New Cultivation (HNT), using which as little energy as possible is lost.
For the new generation of ‘high’-roof greenhouses, The Bom Group has developed the Twinlight® construction. As the greenhouse column consists of two narrow, thin uprights rather than a large solid tube, more light is let through to the crop and less material is needed.
When choosing greenhouse roof material, a number of assessment criteria are significant. A grower particularly wants the greenhouse roof material to enable optimal production at modest cost. Other decision criteria are translucency and energy savings. Also, the degree to which the greenhouse roof allows UV radiation through may play a role. Further, the choice of roof affects the reduction of insect pests, moulds and viruses. At thee Bom Group, we supply you your greenhouse with our own greenhouse roof systems. They are resistant to the most severe weather conditions and feature our innovative aluminium PB Gutter.
Natural ventilation is one of the primary ways of controlling the humidity and temperature in a greenhouse. Greenhouse ventilation systems serve to air the greenhouse via roof vents to maintain the correct interior climate. Depending on the local circumstances, this may be via roof vents mounted alternately or via a continuous ridge ventilation system. With the ridge system, ventilation takes place via two roof vents per bay, one on each side over the whole length of the bay.
The Winterlight Greenhouse is a new greenhouse concept that, in combination with a new type screen, screen fabric and special glas.
The new integrated greenhouse design was developed in collaboration with Wageningen UR, Ludvig Svensson, Bayer Cropscience and Glascom Tuinbouw. The new concept is currently undergoing further testing at the WUR site in Bleiswijk, The Netherlands.
Greenhouse: A 5.60 metre wide bay, with panes measuring 300 x 167 cm. The greenhouse construction is finished with a white powder coating with an increased reflection level of 90%
Glass: Diffuse glass on the roof with a hemispherical transmission of >91%. The glass’s light transmission is not reduced when the glass is wet due to evaporation/water
Screen installation: An innovative double screen: the Iso ++ screen installation (see also our special product page). The screen fabric is fitted in a W-shape for maximum light ingress. A new screen fabric from Ludvig Svensson with improved light transmission
Climate: An Air in Control system in accordance with ‘the new cultivation’ system
The new cabriolet greenhouse from the Bom Group offers a protected and controllable environment for crops. Plants can also harden off in the outdoor air by partially or fully opening the roof. This construction is available in a galvanised finish, as well as a white coating to create more light. The cabriolet greenhouse comes with an aluminium greenhouse roof equipped with a rail mechanism with pushers. Cabriolet greenhouse is suitable for glass and plastic plating and can be constructed anywhere in the world, either as a stand-alone project or as a complete turnkey project.