We are experts in screening, climat control, light inlet and energy saving. We supply and assemble different types od screening systems:
Energy screens
Shade screens
Sun screens
Assimilation screens
An energy screen is used both to control the climate and to save energy. Different fabric types exist that make a major contribution to the better insulation of the greenhouse and the reduction of insolation.
A typical feature of a sun screen is that it reflects sunlight while maintaining natural ventilation. This is achieved with an open fabric structure, so that air exchange can occur without opening the screen. In this way, a cooler greenhouse climate can be realised during sunny and warm weather conditions.
Due to the ever stricter legislation with regard to light emissions, the growing lights is starting to play an increasingly greater role in illuminated cultivation. Different types of fabric have been developed, where the light interception is variable from 85% to 99%. To take maximum advantage of the air exchange, there are also possibilities to work with two layers one under the other.
Our shade screens comply entirely with today’s high demands and have a long service life. Our professional method of working ensures erection without gaps so the screen does not let through any light. You as a grower can use your shade screen to determine day lengths, independent of the sunshine outside.
ABS stands for ‘Anti-Block System’ (i.e. anti-jam) and is a unique invention in the field of screen systems. The ABS screen system has already been applied in many projects to the customers’ great satisfaction. As the attachment between the screen profile and the pull wire is implemented using a slip system, the installation always closes fully. In the open condition, the screen package is always kept to a minimum.
The ISO++ screen installation is a double system in which both fabrics are installed just 6 cm apart. The installation is fitted in a W-shape and both fabrics are controlled separately. Two completely new ideas that have successfully been applied. Advantages: Less shadow effect because the bottom screen package is positioned directly below the top screen package. The resulting light gain is up to as approx. 0.4% Higher insulation value from the double screen installation. Due to the thin layer of stagnant air, the insulation value is higher than traditional insulation where the air is able to ‘roll’ and transfer heat through convection from one screen cloth to the other.
The roll-up wall screens contribute to a more even temperature distribution and consistent growth of the crops in the greenhouse. The perfect closure of our roll-up wall screens ensures maximum energy saving and reduction of the light entering or escaping. Also, if desired, a greenhouse section can be completely shaded off.
When the layout of a greenhouse has to be altered in a very short time, the Bom Group’s Twin Wall Screen is a logical choice. By application of the Twin Wall Screen, the climate in one area of the greenhouse can be separated off. Twin Wall Screens can also be used to save energy or for shading-off purposes.
The purpose of external screens is to regulate the climate in the greenhouse better. This can be achieved by ‘screening out’ certain weather factors on the outside of the greenhouse. Excluding sunlight ensures lower insolation and a lower temperature in the greenhouse. Also, through reduction in the cooling load, lower electricity consumption can be achieved. The roof vents can stay closed longer, which leads to improved CO2 concentrations. In the colder months, energy savings can also be made thanks to the insulating effect of the external screens.
The Intranetting© mesh system developed by the Bom Group is optimally integrated into the aluminium roof vent, whereby the following aspects are optimally considered:
Minimal light loss
Finish as a whole
Roof-washer friendliness (greenhouse can be washed better)
Guaranteed drainage of condensate.
System ISO ++ to podwójny system cieniówek, w którym materiały są instalowane w odległości 6 cm od siebie. Materiały sterowane są oddzielnie, a cała instalacja układana jest w kształt litery „W”. Zalety: Zmniejszenie efektu cienia. Lepsza izolacja. Ze względu na cienką warstwę stagnacji powietrza, wartość izolacji jest wyższa niż w przypadku tradycyjnych izolacji, gdzie powietrze jest w stanie “przenosić” ciepło przez konwekcję z jednej tkaniny kurtyny do drugiej